A Call to Dance 

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A Call To Dance 

This participatory work  engages members of the public in a physical conversation about cultural ownership, authorship and encourages people to create movement based on their experiences. 

Inviting individual participants to have a yarn or a chat about themselves, the place they are in and their attitude to dance and culture. Through this conversation people identify a dance move that articulates something profoundly personal. 


At the end of each session (30-45mins) the move is danced and archived.

At the end of each day Amrita dances the movements collected on that day (8-10)

At the end of the residency Amrita has a solo dance created from the collected movements that she offers back to the place in which it was created. 


This work celebrates a place and its people. Asking questions about heritage, belonging, place for expression and cultural authenticity


So far we have taken residence in train stations, surf clubs, shopping centres, theatres, beach fronts and snow field planes in Melbourne, Merrigong theatre, and Danserena Nord Norway.